GERMANY Berlin Sachsendamm Hydrogen Refuelling Station
1. COUNTRY – City/Place: GERMANY – Berlin South (capital city)
2. Location (operator): Sachsendamm 90-92, 10829 Berlin Schöneberg (Shell)
3. Phone: +49-30-78703303
4. GPS-coordinates: X = 13.355071 °, Y = 52.478649 °
5. Website:
6. Hydrogen offered: 350 bar GH2 for hydrogen buses / 700 bar GH2 for fuel cell-electric vehicles (FCEV)
7. Highway: A100 (EXIT Airport Berlin Schönefeld, National route B1 to Sachsendamm, near EUREF-Campus)
8. Hydrogen (H2) production: H2 is derived by water electrolysis using hydropower and produced on-site.
9. Distance to next hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS)
A) 9 kilometers/6 miles to GERMANY, 10243 Berlin, Holzmarktstrasse 36-42 (TOTAL); Phone +49-30-2493777.
B) 9 kilometres/6 miles to GERMANY, 10557 Berlin “Mitte/Center“, Heidestrasse 19 (TOTAL); Phone +49-30-30873987.
C) 10 kilometers/6 miles to GERMANY, 14055 Berlin Charlottenburg , Heerstrasse 37 (TOTAL); Phone +49-30-30124300.
10. Comments: Opening was in July 2011.